We Advance! $10M ANA Avatar XPRIZE

December 15, 2020

AvatarMEDIC Advances In $10M ANA Avatar XPRIZE One of 77 Teams Working On Next Generation Robotic Avatar Technology Los Angeles, CA: AvatarMEDIC today announced its MEDInaut surgery drone concept has advanced to the next round in the $10M ANA Avatar XPRIZE. Sponsored by All Nippon Airways (ANA), the ANA Avatar XPRIZE is a four-year global competition focused on the development of an avatar system that will deploy the senses, actions, and presence of a human to a remote location in real time, leading to a more connected world. AvatarMEDIC is among 77 teams that advanced past the initial 99 registered teams to enter the next stage of the competition. This milestone is a major move for AvatarMEDIC on its mission to provide realtime, remote, relief of medical emergencies on Earth and in the wider Solar System.As the need for medical intervention in austere environments grows on Earth and expands to the Moon and Mars, AvatarMEDIC is developing the ‘smartphone of surgery’, taking a next generation approach to 21st century Solar System wide medical access.“Across the Earth today there remain billions of people lacking access to medical capabilities, particularly surgical intervention.” says John Hanacek, CEO at AvatarMEDIC. “Competing in the ANA Avatar XPRIZE is the perfect avenue for us to pursue our most ambitious vision, our ‘Mars Shot’, of creating robotic systems that allow world class surgeons and medical professionals to remotely and safely give lifesaving medical aid to anyone in need, anywhere at anytime.”This news comes in the wake of many recent initiatives and accomplishments of the company, including: Won Microsoft Hololens 2 Hackathon for HoloTRIAGE mixed reality training app Presented Concept & Analog Astronautics Mission Research at International Astronautical Congress 2019 in Washington DC Research Poster Displayed at ISS Research & Development Conference 2019 in Atlanta, GA

To learn more about the ANA Avatar XPRIZE, click here https://www.xprize.org/prizes/avatar/articles/77-teams-worldwide-advance-in-avatar-competition

About AvatarMEDIC: Building the 21st Century new paradigm for augmenting and extending healthcare services and medical access into remote, isolated, austere and first response settings. Impacting and saving lives for billions of people on Earth and in space. Providing REAL-TIME, REMOTE, RELIEF.

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